Piedmont Hospital Columbus

Mercer University and Piedmont Healthcare conduct collaborative medical research to serve residents of Columbus, GA and work toward providing patients with the most effective care possible. For information on Piedmont clinical trials, visit the Piedmont Healthcare Research Home Page.

In compliance with Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) requirements, the Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) of both Mercer and Piedmont Health are reliant upon the registered IRB of Mercer University.

Mercer University's IRB 00000910 Mercer IRB Registration – Search by “Mercer U"

Mercer University FWA-00000133; Piedmont Health FWA-00000662

Piedmont Healthcare Collaborative Research

An IRB Authorization Agreement (IAA) is used between Piedmont Health and Mercer University. The institution of primary employment of the Lead Principal Investigator or the institution where most of the research is taking place will be the IRB of record. The Institutional Officials at both institutions must approve and sign the IAA.


For questions regarding the Piedmont Health research application process, please contact

Ava Chambliss-Richardson, Ph.D., CIP, CIM

Director of Research Compliance

Email: ORC_Research@Mercer.edu

Phone: (478) 301-4101

Fax: (478) 301-2329