Research Risk Review Committee
Investigator-initiated research involving human subjects is a valuable component to the academic and research initiatives of Mercer University. Mercer University is committed to the safety of subjects participating in research at the institution. Investigator-initiated research is unique in that the investigator serves not only as the principal investigator, but also in some instances as the sponsor. Therefore, the researcher can expect a higher level of preparation, consideration, and responsibilities. Furthermore, Mercer University must also assume a higher level of responsibility and risk as the institution housing the investigator initiated research. Researchers should expect to meet additional institutional requirements based on the nature of the investigator-initiated research without external indemnification. Mercer University's policy requires full indemnification of investigator-initiated studies from the entity that provides funding and/or provides a drug/device for a clinical study. This policy is to provide guidelines for cases where full indemnification is absent for a drug or device investigator initiated study. Furthermore, it is the policy of the Mercer University that investigator-initiated research absent of indemnification must be submitted the Research Risk Review Committee (RRRC).