CITI Training
All persons conducting research involving human subjects or engaged in animal research must have on file with the Mercer University Office of Research Compliance a valid certificate of CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) training completion appropriate to their area of research. The training is FREE for all all Mercer University faculty, staff, and students.
IRB CITI Requirments
All Mercer University faculty, staff, and students who are involved in research using human subjects must complete approved education in Human Subjects Protection.
The IRB requires that all modules are completed to meet the IRB training requirement.
The human subject training has a certification period of (3) years. After the (3) year expiration occurs electronic notices are sent to complete the refresher courses.
It will be necessary to complete all of the modules within the courses to allow the software to place the completed modules on the three year cycle.
You may return to the course site any time before the expiration date to review the topics covered in the courses.
To verify the completion of the training you will receive a copy of the certificates by links. Do not sent the completion certificates to the Office of Research Compliance. At all times, we have access to the CITI certificates to confirm completion.
Refresher Course Requirements
All research personnel listed on an approved IRB project must complete the CITI Refresher Course every three years. Training verification will occur at the time of the annual application submission to continuation project.
CITI Training Resources
- Download the CITI Instruction Page (Adobe PDF)
- Download the Mercer CITI User Instruction Guide (Adobe PDF)
- Get more information on the CITI Website
Technical Assistance
If you have technical concerns regarding the CITI Training Program or your training modules, please email or call 888-529-5929.
IACUC CITI Requirements
The Animal Welfare Act, Animal Welfare Regulations, and PHS Policy require institutions to provide training for all personnel engaged in animal research to include, but not limited to, the following: Principal Investigators, research associates, post-doctorate fellows, students, animal facility personnel, and IACUC members. Such personnel shall participate in a formal training program which will consist of a Web-based tutorial or one-on-one training as deemed necessary by the Principal Investigator, University Veterinarian, and/or the IACUC. The Office of Research Compliance (ORC) documents and confirms the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training.
The IACUC requires that all modules are completed to meet the IRB training requirement.
The animal care and use training has a certification period of (3) years. After the (3) year expiration occurs electronic notices are sent to complete the refresher courses.
It will be necessary to complete all of the modules within the courses to allow the software to place the completed modules on the three year cycle.
You may return to the course site any time before the expiration date to review the topics covered in the courses.
To verify the completion of the training you will receive a copy of the certificates by links. At all times, the ORC has access to the CITI certificates to confirm completion.
The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) at is used as initial disaster plan training for all animal users and care staff. The course participation and examination results are documented and monitored through the CITI. Animal facility directors provide supplemental disaster plan training for research staff, animal care staff, veterinarians, students, animal technicians, volunteers, and visiting faculty. Please contact your animal facility administration regarding the completion of their emergency training for the animal facility.
IACUC CITI Required Modules
All researchers and other personnel involved in animal care or use are required to complete, at the minimum, the following modules:
- Investigators, Staff, and Students
- Research with Laboratory Animals for RCR
- Disaster Plan Broderson
- Choose the animal-specific course module(s) applicable to your research project including: Amphibians, Cats, Dogs, Ferrets, Fish, Gerbils, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Horses, Mice, Non-Human Primates, Rabbits, Rats, Reptiles, Swine, and Zebrafish
The University Attending Veterinarian or the IACUC will determine, on a project-by-project basis, the need of additional training for the investigator and research staff. To ensure proficiency in all protocol-related animal procedures, specific hands-on training occurs on an individual or as needed basis by qualified staff or by the Veterinarian. For example, training is required, in husbandry procedures for the particular species involved in the protocol procedures performed on the animals.
Any training mandated by the University Attending Veterinarian or the IACUC will be communicated to the principal investigator. Once accomplished, documentation of the mandated training will be on file with the ORC. The investigator should maintain copies of the mandated training and have the training documents available for the semi-annual program and facility inspections.
Refresher Course Requirements
All research personnel listed on approved IACUC protocols must complete the CITI Refresher Course training in laboratory animal use every three years. Training verification will occur at the time of the annual continuation of the existing protocol and at the submission of all new or three-year renewal applications.
CITI Training Resources
- Download the CITI Instruction Page (Adobe PDF)
- Download the Mercer CITI User Instruction Guide (Adobe PDF)
- Get more information on the CITI Website
Technical Assistance
If you have technical concerns regarding the CITI Training Program or your training modules, please email or call 888-529-5929.