HIPAA Training

Individuals who use or have access to protected health information in the course of their human subject research are required by the University's mandate through the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 to obtain basic HIPAA awareness training. A copy of the certificate of completion may be included with an IRB application if applicable. All forms and completion certificates should be emailed to ORC_Research@Mercer.edu


HIPAA Training Resources

HIPAA Assistance

If you have technical concerns, contact Terry Bickley at (478) 301-2439 or bickley_tl@mercer.edu

For further assistance, contact

Director of Research Compliance
Ava Chambliss-Richardson, Ph.D., CIP, CIM
Office of Research Compliance
1501 Mercer University Drive
Macon, GA 31207
Phone: (478) 301-4101
Fax: (478) 301-2329

For additional research compliance information regarding HIPAA, please view the HIPAA IRB Standard Operating Procedures